After six years as the Executive Director of Friends of Forman, the Rev. Sam Schreiner has shared with the board his desire to retire in the fall of 2022. Sam has been a vital part of raising funds for Forman’s campus improvements and scholarship support, the work of Forman’s Board of Directors and the recent rector transitions. Sam has recently reflected that,
“It has been a joy to serve Forman Christian College, and I’m glad that there is such a strong partnership between Friends of Forman and the university. Friends of Forman has a talented and deeply committed board of officers and I appreciate the support they have given to me in my time of service.”

A national search is now underway to find his replacement. Candidates with experience in development work, communications, and cross-cultural partnerships will be encouraged to apply by sending a letter of interest and resume to this address: directorsearch@friendsofforman.org. Travel mostly in the US and annually to Pakistan is required to lead Friends of Forman in its mission. The ideal candidate will start in the summer of 2022. For information about Forman Christian College, Friends of Forman, and the position search, visit: https://friendsofforman.org/DirectorSearch
The board of Friends of Forman believes that this is an excellent opportunity for the right individual to lead a small, successful, focused US-based team working with our donors to support a historic, western-style, liberal-arts university with over 8,400 students in Lahore, Pakistan. FCCU is co-educational, with all instruction conducted in English. Founded by US Presbyterian missionary Dr. Charles Forman in 1864, it is led today by a local, ecumenical, Christian board. The current rector (similar to a university president) is Ambassador (ret.) Dr. Jonathan Addleton who was born and raised in Pakistan.