Dear Friends,

Newsflash! In this newsletter, students returned to campus this spring, plus school sports, faculty, and a visit from Friends of Forman to FCCU.
From March 9-13, I was in Pakistan for the first time in 2 years, traveling with three first-time visitors to Forman. We met with students, faculty, administrators, and saw a lot of progress on campus. After touring all 4 floors of the campus center/digital library (soon to be finished), we dropped in on the newly completed Media Center. We had the honor of being interviewed for campus radio about our “first impressions” after only being in the country for 36 hours! What incredible hosts we had for the duration of this visit.

Forman Christian College is motivated to be at the forefront of education and equip students for future careers. Media (think cell phones and YouTube) is where stories are currently shared, but we want Forman students to share their meaningful messages with maximum impact. For this reason, the popular communications major needed a modern facility on campus ensuring their professional training.
I wish I had more space to tell you about the bright, articulate students and passionate faculty we met, and the packed chapel service we attended. See page three to read about the impressions from my travel partners. Thank you for your gifts and prayers that help FCCU continue to flourish.
Click here or on the photo below to download your digital copy of the 2022 Spring Newsletter.

Grateful for you,

Rev. Sam Schreiner
Executive Director
Friends of Forman
Christian College