Making God’s Love Visible in Pakistan
Friends of Forman supports quality higher education in Pakistan by funding scholarships, Christian leadership, programming, and physical improvements at Forman Christian College (A Chartered University). In this environment, students of different faiths and backgrounds share ideas and grow together in unity and peace.
Advancing equity, opportunity, tolerance, and justice in Pakistan requires the education of a new, multicultural generation of social, political, and religious leaders. That is what Forman stands for in an often divided world.
Mission Statement
Friends of Forman Christian College is dedicated to supporting the high-quality educational mission of Forman Christian College (A Chartered University) to develop informed, ethical, and responsible citizens of Pakistan who exemplify the University motto, “By love serve one another.”
Core Beliefs
As an ecumenical organization rooted in the Reformed and Presbyterian Church traditions that contributed to Forman’s founding, we honor the core beliefs of the common Christian faith as expressed in the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds (the “universal” creeds accepted by Protestant, Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches around the world).

Why Friends of Forman Exists
Friends of Forman was incorporated in 2003 when Forman returned to the Presbyterian Church upon denationalization. After thirty years of government control, the campus was in poor condition, and improvements were needed everywhere. At the time of return, there was no vehicle in the US to raise funds to make the necessary repairs, or find much-needed scholarships for students. Friends of Forman Christian College was created to do this.
Over the twenty-plus years since, you contributed funds through Friends of Forman for scholarships, leadership, programming, and many necessary campus improvements. New facilities include the Cheryl Burke Hope Tower for Women, Jim Tebbe Campus Center, Light of Hope Elementary School, Mercy Health Center, and new housing for faculty. Also, you made full renovations possible for six men’s hostels, existing staff housing, and the women’s hostel located on the TSA campus.
You have certainly improved the facilities available to students and staff, building a campus unlike any other in Pakistan. We thank you!
Meet the Friends of Forman team
Our leadership team and board of directors cast the vision for Friends of Forman. However, this work would not be possible without the generosity of supporters like you. Get in touch with our team to discover the role you can play in impacting students at Forman Christian College.

Rev. Dr. Roger Dermody Jr.
Executive Director
Office: (866) 460-6313 x102
Direct: (502) 609-9068

Sandy O’Meara
Chief Financial Officer
Office: (866) 460-6313 x104

Gail Blumberg
Accounting Associate
Office: (866) 460-6313 x 106

Susan Mann
Development Associate
Office: (866) 460-6313 x103
Board of Directors

Rev. Dr. David A. Renwick
Board Chair
Senior Pastor Emeritus
National Presbyterian Church

Rev. Dr. Heather P. Wright
Board Vice Chair
Pastor Of Care And Connection
Stanwich Congregational Church

Dr. Jonathan Addleton
Forman Christian College

Dr. James Appleton
President Emeritus
University Of Redlands

Mr. Rob Bullock
Executive Vice President
Bible League International

Dr. Janel Curry
Executive Director
American Scientific Affiliation

Ms. Elizabeth Terry Dunning
Partner (Retired)
Holland & Hart

Dr. Jay Madden
Executive Pastor
Peachtree Church

Dr. Ingrid Mason Mail
Private Practice

Mrs. Denise W. Moore
Executive Director
Independent Presbyterian Church Foundation

Dr. Michael M. Murphy
Telecom Executive (Retired)
Former Forman Faculty Member

Mr. Steve Shabet
Managing Member
Sunny Meadow Farm, LLC

Rev. Dr. Thomas F. Taylor
Chief Executive Officer
Presbyterian Foundation

Mr. Robert Tebbe
Executive Buyer (Retired)
Elder, First Presbyterian Church, Lakeland, FL

Rev. Dr. David G. Watermulder
Senior Pastor
Presbyterian Church of Los Gatos, CA
By Love Serve One Another
Without education, people divided by prejudice, race, and religion remain separated. Together, we provide a more hopeful future where people of diverse backgrounds live out the Forman motto: “By love serve one another.” See what that impact looks like in action.
You Can Give a Deserving Student a Brighter Future
When you partner with Friends of Forman, you're elevating Pakistan's future leaders and creating opportunities for interfaith dialogue that are far too rare in our world today.