Forman Christian College: Scholarships Needs Now
Forman estimates it needs $1,566,667 in scholarships to fund the financially disadvantaged students who are enrolled this year. The largest groups of students in need are women and Christians.
They have budgeted $548,333 to go to underprivileged women and $658,000 to needy Christians (31% of all female students and 98% of all Christians at FCCU). Last year, scholarships went to 27% of the student body. Between the increase in students this year over last and a continued slow recovery to the financial crisis sparked by Covid, 33% of FCCU students need assistance this year. Imagine if a third of the students had to drop out because they couldn’t afford tuition and fees, and there was no one to help them.
Friends of Forman has committed to raise $721,000 of this need. To date, you have helped raise all but $325,000.
We are immensely grateful for your gifts to date. If you are able and can support these students, go to and scroll to the dark green section of this page. Here, you can donate to the group of your choice, women, Christians, or general scholarships.
“Your help is more than just money; it’s like a guiding light that
shows us the way when things get tough. Because of you, we feel stronger and more confident. We know that behind every success, there’s a group of caring people like you who believe in education’s power to change lives.” ~ Arslan
As Arslan said, you make his success possible. It is an honor to work with you to change the lives of these young men and women. “By love serve one another.”
Thank you!