News & Stories

Year in Review: Friends of Forman’s Impact During 2024

Since being established in 2003, Friends of Forman has gradually made an increasing impact on the educational power provided by Forman Christian College in Pakistan. With 2024 complete, we wanted to celebrate some of the milestones we’ve accomplished together.

1,300 Graduates at Commencement

On November 30, 2024, FCCU held their 26th Commencement ceremony on campus. The graduation featured nearly 1,300 graduates from across Pakistan, earning a range of degrees.

More than half (51%) of this graduating class was women. 664 female students earned their diplomas at FCCU—an amazing feat considering approximately only 44% of the female Pakistani population is literate. 

186 women earned their post-graduate degrees in one of many of FCCU’s graduate programs. 158 (or 12%) of the graduates were also Christian students. This is remarkable because Christians only comprise about 1.3% of the Pakistani population.

Many female and Christian students could only attend and graduate from FCCU because they earned a financial aid scholarship. 

 $1.5 Million in Scholarships

Thanks to supporters like you, Friends of Forman awarded over $1,532,000 in scholarships during the 2023-24 academic year. That’s over half (51%) of the scholarships provided to FCCU students, and a 28% increase compared to the previous year.

Nearly all (98%) of Christian students at Forman College receive at least a partial scholarship—that’s 911 out of 925 students.

This number is slightly lower for women scholars, but still almost a third (31%) of them depend on financial aid. 832 out of 2,703 female FCCU students benefit from donations from Friends of Forman.

Over 9,000 Enrolled Students 

44% of Forman College’s 9,300 student body is female. However, this percentage is much higher in the postgraduate (74%) and PhD (61%) programs. Women can pursue an education at FCCU like nowhere else in this country.

The same is true for Christian students, who comprise about 13% of the students on campus. They’re still a minority compared to Muslim students, but students of all faiths have the chance to learn and converse together side-by-side in an atmosphere of peace and cooperation.

$2.6 Million Raised

 All together, Friends of Forman raised over $2,634,000 in 2024. Most of those funds (78%) go directly to supporting scholarships, campus improvements, and staff support on campus. 

The largest source of support for Friends is individuals (58%), with most of the rest of the donations coming from foundation grants (20%) and churches (11%). We had 23 new donors give to Friends of Forman for the first time last year.

 We also raised $98,000 during Giving Tuesday in November 2024. That helped to provide year-long scholarships to more than 30 students—all in one day!

Thank You For Making 2024 a Success!

If you haven’t yet, you should check out our 2024 annual report, which shares even more stories of impact from the last year.

You can also read stories of Stephen John whose family has been impacted by FCCU for four generations; board member Denise Moore who visited the FCCU campus in 2024; and student Multazim who is overcoming poverty to pursue a her dreams of becoming a doctor.

No matter how you’re involved with Friends of Forman, we want to thank you for your support and generosity. You are making a difference by being a part of our community. You’re having a real impact on the lives of students and spreading interfaith harmony in Pakistan.

Thank you!