News & Stories

Supporting Friends of Forman Helps Make God’s Love Visible in Pakistan

Thank you to everyone who supports Friends of Forman College! Your generosity makes God’s love visible in the fifth-most populous and second-largest Muslim country in the world: Pakistan, an often forgotten corner of God’s world.

Helping Christians in Need

In Pakistan, Christians are a persecuted minority with very few options available to them except for the most menial unwanted jobs, like sewer cleaners. While Christians represent about 1.6% of Pakistan’s population of more than 241 million, they fill about 80% of these jobs. 

Unfortunately, their low social standing also means Christians have little interaction with the predominant Islamic culture. Without an education, they have very few options for different careers and remain stuck in generational poverty.

We’re so honored to share the stories of students like Asher, Lebeed, and Arbab who exemplify the FCCU motto: “by love serve one another.” 

The Hope of An Education

With a total student population of almost 9,000, Forman Christian College seeks to change that narrative. A degree from Forman offers these young Christians the opportunity to: 

  • break the cycle of generational poverty
  • find meaningful jobs in every sector of society
  • modeling and living out the commands of Christ
  • connecting to the majority society in ways that were otherwise impossible

Forman College’s campus is a true gem in the bustling and fairly chaotic major city of Lahore. Boasting a population over 13 million people, Lahore is the second-largest city in Pakistan, and the 26th largest in the world.

Since 1864, the Forman campus has a place of: 

  • peace
  • educational excellence
  • interfaith dialogue
  • harmony and hope

Respecting Every Voice

At Forman Christian College, everyone matters, and every voice is respected and heard in a way that doesn’t happen in the same way anywhere else in Pakistan. 

Forman’s leadership and faculty actively empower young women in ways that happen nowhere else in the entire Muslim world. Friends of Forman raises scholarship funds to support these promising Christian and female students who might not otherwise receive a quality education. 

The only Western-style chartered liberal arts University in Pakistan, Forman offers: 

  • 26 bachelor’s programs
  • 19 Master’s degrees
  • Five PhD programs

In November 2023, over 1,100 students were awarded degrees, including the first three graduates of the recently created Master’s in biblical studies program—the only one of its kind in Pakistan.

These graduates are launched into the larger Pakistani society and in the world, ready to bring their gifts, their leadership, and God’s love to a world that desperately needs it. Forman College is shaping the next generation of Pakistani leaders.

Thank you

This is only possible because of the generous support of people like you. Friends of Forman exists to aid in this valuable educational environment, and you’re an integral part of making that happen.

Whether you’ve made a donation, spread the word, prayed for the cause, or volunteered your time, we appreciate your love and generosity.