News & Stories

Multazim Overcomes Poverty to Pursue Her Dreams of Being a Doctor

Transcending Traditional Prejudices

My name is Multazim, and I live in a small village in Punjab, which is in the same province as Lahore, Pakistan. My community has a deeply ingrained perspective that restricts women from pursuing an education. 

Regrettably, the few women who seek education and employment are unfairly stigmatized. I aspire to challenge and help transform this prevailing mindset. I firmly believe education is the cornerstone of humanity; it’s a beacon that illuminates our path to progress and enlightenment. 

My commitment is to empower not only myself but also the countless other girls who share my dreams. It’s my mission is to transcend these boundaries of tradition and prejudice. I hope to demonstrate that education is not a gender-specific privilege but a fundamental right that enriches our lives and enhances our capabilities.

Perseverance Despite Poverty

My father is a veterinary technician who earns a modest monthly income. His salary was once stable, but it has been severely compromised by the devastating tandem of the COVID-19 pandemic and the relentless floods. 

His income is the sole financial pillar for our family of five and bears the brunt of our collective hopes and aspirations. As the eldest of my siblings, I also feel a responsibility to get an education and set a good example for my younger siblings, who are also in school.

Because of the small village where my family lives, there are scarce opportunities, especially for young women. I initially wanted to grow up to be a doctor and help others. However, admissions to public colleges are competitive, and I struggled to be admitted.

I knew that even if I was admitted to a local college, my family would struggle to pay for tuition. I knew I would have to remain persistent and find another way to earn my education and build a brighter future for myself.

Hope From Financial Aid

If I were to continue my dreams of becoming a doctor, I would need to apply to a private college, which would be even more expensive. Thankfully, I learned about the financial aid program at Forman Christian College.

 Applying to a prestigious private college like FCCU was a risky option, but it was also the final hope for my aspirations. I was just about to give up all my ambitions because of my financial instability and traditional inequality.

FCCU has inspired me to believe in myself. 

After being admitted to FCCU with a financial scholarship, the challenges of escalating inflation and university fees continue to threaten and undermine my educational pursuits. However, I have hope and I’m not giving up. I’m pushing forward and know I’m not alone in this journey.

Why FCCU is the Right Choice For Me

FCCU is a model of academic excellence, offering many programs and experienced faculty members. The institution encourages research and holistic development, shaping not just bright professionals but also ethical individuals. 

The University boasts a vibrant extracurricular scene, fostering personal growth and teamwork through various clubs and societies. Moreover, FCCU places a strong emphasis on community engagement, instilling a sense of social responsibility in its students. 

The benefits of joining FCCU include a top-notch education, program diversity, expert guidance, research opportunities, character development, extracurricular involvement, and a commitment to making a positive impact on the community.

However, FCCU gave me the confidence, moral support, and financial support I needed. 

Studying to Care For Others

I am studying Pharm D at FCCU, a five-year academic and research degree that involves formulating, manufacturing, dispensing, and administering medicines to patients.

The Pharm D program has instilled in me a profound sense of purpose. I’m driven by the noble mission of safeguarding human lives. Each day of study is a source of immense joy, knowing that I play an integral role in this life-saving profession, a privilege I cherish deeply. 

My pharmacy degree is not my final destination. It serves as a stepping stone toward my ultimate goal of earning a PhD in drug discovery. My desire is to contribute to humanity’s wellbeing by researching cancer treatments. 

I have seen many women from my village die of breast cancer. I could not sleep for many nights after witnessing such scary deaths. I believe I can transcend adversity and carve a path toward a future where I can contribute significantly to society’s betterment by serving and empowering other girls like me. 

Learning Social Responsibility

FCCU’s commitment to community engagement has given me a profound sense of social responsibility. These skills and values have been instrumental in my personal and professional growth. I still want to use my education to give back and help others, especially young girls in the village where I grew up.

Beyond academics, the university has provided me with a well-rounded education. 

  • Through interactions with peers from various backgrounds, I’ve learned to appreciate diversity, enhancing my cultural understanding. 
  • Active participation in extracurricular activities and clubs has nurtured my leadership and teamwork skills. 
  • Engaging in presentations and group discussions has refined my communication and public speaking abilities. 
  • The university’s emphasis on critical thinking and problem-solving has honed my analytical skills. 
  • Balancing coursework, activities, and personal life has improved my time management capabilities. 

Thank You For Giving Me a Path to an Education

I want to express my sincere gratitude to all Friends of Forman donors for your generous support. Your contribution significantly impacted my academic journey. 

It’s said that educating a woman is equal to educating a generation. If that’s the case, then you’ve educated a nation. Through your generosity, I will become a philanthropist like you to continue your legacy of educating the generations. 

Your belief in the value of education and your willingness to invest in my future is inspiring and humbling. Thanks to your support, I have pursued my educational goals. I am committed to making the most of this opportunity. 

Thank you for your generosity and for making a positive difference in my life. Your support has been instrumental in my educational journey, and I am grateful beyond words.