News & Stories

Haroon’s Story: How One Scholarship Empowers an Entire Pakistani Village

Haroon is an outstanding example of how education, faith, and an entire village have been deeply blessed by a scholarship to Forman Christian College.

Christians Stuck in Generational Poverty

Christians are a repressed minority in Pakistan. For generations, they’ve only had access to the most menial and low-paying careers, like bricklaying or other back-breaking labor. Many Pakistani Christians are illiterate, including Haroon’s father. 

The only way to break this cycle is to receive an education.

“I never went to school,” says Haroon’s father, Rahman. “I earned my living by providing feed for cattle. Then I started doing labor work. Now here I am, still doing labor.”

“I can still remember those days when I used to work on the second floor with my father,” says Haroon. “I had to carry a hundred buckets of sand and about 20 buckets of stones up to the second floor one by one. That was the hardest everything I ever experienced in my life.”

Pursuing Progress Through an Education

“Thinking that I used to provide cattle feed and lay bricks in the furnace,” said his father. “If they [my children] also do this [work], we will not progress.”

Haroon’s father and mother encouraged Haroon and his brothers to pursue an education. The alternative is to spend his life as a brickmaker picking rice in the field surrounding their home. His parents simply could not abide by that.

“They want a better future [for us],” said Haroon. “My father told that he hasn’t studied a single class. He hasn’t gone to school in a single day.”

“My aim was for my children not to live like me,” agreed Haroon’s father. They will sit in good places. While we didn’t have enough food to eat, I told them to study. A person can only advance by getting an education. That’s why I thought my children should study and go forward in life. Thanks to Almighty God for making our dreams happen.”

The Transformative Power of a Scholarship

Despite scoring the highest marks in tests within his village, Haroon’s family could not afford an advanced education. Instead of despairing, Haroon persisted—he continued to study and work hard. He prayed for God to provide a path to Forman Christian College.

Attending and earning a university degree from Forman was Haroon’s goal for two primary reasons: not only would it provide him with a quality education, but it would also allow him to openly practice his Christian faith without fear.

“Education makes a difference,” said Forman Christian College rector, Dr. Jonathan Addleton. “Haroon thrived academically once he had the opportunity to attend Forman. This is an opportunity people like his father never had.”

“So many families can’t afford to send their children to FCCU,” continued Addleton. “That’s why the contributions made to scholarships are so important. Honestly, we could fund nearly as many students as we do without the support of our friends around the world.”

Thank You For Supporting a Student’s Education

The full scholarship Haroon received works to break generational poverty. He has been so encouraged by this life-changing opportunity that he wants the same for the other kids in his village.

“I hope the children from my village will be motivated to reach for their education,” said Haroon. “I want to do the work to guide them there.”

“This is because of you, Friends of Forman. I’m very thankful to you for giving me this opportunity. For straightening my path. May God bless you as you do the work for more students like me.”

“May God bless you so you can continue to help others like this,” said Haroon’s father. “You are making a poor family’s dream come true.”

Every village in Pakistan has a Haroon. Every village has parents just like his who want a better life for their children, grandchildren, and beyond.

God is using your gift to bring abundant Life to a people in a desperate place halfway around the world. We ask for your continued prayers and support we could not do this without supporters like you.