Dear Friends,
It has been a joy to meet so many of you during the first twelve weeks of my tenure with Friends. And, in the year ahead, I hope to meet many more of you – our faithful and generous partners.

As you receive this letter, I am on the Forman Christian College (FCCU) campus in Pakistan. It is a wonderful experience speaking with students and staff, exploring the buildings, classrooms, and grounds, and becoming immersed in the rhythms of this University. It is awesome to see first-hand how FCCU is making God’s love visible in the world’s fifth most populous and second largest Muslim country, living true to its motto, “by love serve one another.”

I plan to return just before Thanksgiving with specific stories of how your generosity is providing a far more hopeful future especially for young women and for some of Pakistan’s poorest people. These young adults have the greatest potential yet the least economic means to pursue their dreams. Your gifts to Friends provide scholarships to these aspiring future leaders. You are providing exceptional leadership for the University. And you are helping to build world-class facilities for Forman, adding to its 158-year legacy of graduating many of the region’s top leaders.

As 2022 draws to a close, I particularly want to call your attention to our soon-to-be-completed Campus Center (the only one of its kind in Pakistan). During the uncomfortably hot spring and summer months, over 6,000 commuter students must seek whatever shade they can find under a tree or a bush. Once open, this centerpiece of the campus will provide students a safe, secure, and climate-controlled place to study, socialize, eat, rest, and purchase needed school supplies.

While a very successful capital campaign has enabled us to construct this 177,000-square-foot facility, ongoing supply chain challenges and global economic conditions have added extra costs. Your end-of-year gift of any size to Friends of Forman will help FCCU fully finish and furnish the campus center, allowing for an opening celebration this spring.
Thank you in advance for your continued generosity. Shortly, you will receive two emails from me showing pictures of the progress so far and a video of several students expressing their joy and gratitude for the imminent completion of this project.

From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you again for supporting this incredible mission, brightly shining God’s love in a country that is too often forgotten. Your donations offer hope and light. Thank you!
Click here or on the photo to download your digital copy of the 2022 Fall Newsletter.

With appreciation,

Rev. Dr. Roger A. Dermody
Executive Director
Friends of Forman
Christian College