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Campus Update: FCCU Physics Department Glimpses into Pakistan’s Space Frontier

On September 26th, 2024, the Department of Physics at FCCU organized a highly anticipated visit to SUPARCO, Pakistan’s space agency in Lahore. Around 40 students and faculty members took part in this exclusive opportunity.

The visit commenced with an engaging overview of SUPARCO, where students were introduced to the agency’s role in advancing Pakistan’s space program. The session highlighted exciting internship and project collaboration opportunities, offering insights into how aspiring physicists and engineers could launch their careers in space technology. Comprehensive instructions on pursuing a career at SUPARCO were provided, underscoring the agency’s dedication to nurturing the next generation of space experts.

A tour of SUPARCO’s various departments followed, where students gained valuable knowledge about the projects currently underway. This included a rundown of the launch of eight satellites to date, with some still in orbit. Students were captivated as they learned about the crucial functions these satellites perform, including data collection and satellite management from control rooms.

The highlight of the visit was the rare opportunity to witness satellites up close—an unforgettable experience. Walking through the satellite manufacturing facility, students were briefed by SUPARCO engineers on the intricate processes involved in designing, constructing, and launching these advanced technologies. Standing in the very room where satellites are manufactured provided an awe-inspiring glimpse into the cutting-edge field of space exploration.

The visit had a lasting impact, giving students a clear understanding of Pakistan’s space advancements and SUPARCO’s global role. Many left inspired to pursue space science, with some considering careers at SUPARCO. It also strengthened ties between SUPARCO and academia, paving the way for future collaborations. The hands-on experience, from satellite operations to direct interaction with engineers, highlighted Pakistan’s impressive space capabilities.