Dear Friends,
As I complete my first year serving Friends of Forman Christian College, I am filled with joy and hope.
It has been a joy to meet so many of you, our faithful partners, who have generously supported this vital mission’s ongoing work.

It has been a joy to have visited campus on three separate trips these past 12 months, seeing first-hand the impact you have made in the lives of so many in Pakistan.
And, as I’ve spent time on campus interacting with students, faculty, and staff, I’m filled with hope. I have often referred to Forman as a slice of God’s Kingdom on earth. The Forman motto from Galatians 5:13, “By love serve one another,” is far more than a mere platitude or an ignored phrase. Instead, it is deeply embodied and lived daily, making Forman a true place of peace, tolerance, harmony, and hope.
Included in this communication is our most recent Annual Report. We have faithfully and transparently shared how we used the resources you entrusted to us and the impact you made in the past year.

We have also highlighted brief comments from those whose lives have been transformed because of your generosity.
Together, we equip future Christian leaders as they grow in their faith and become ready to live out the claims of Christ in the majority society in ways that otherwise would be impossible.
Together we empower young women, providing opportunity and education in an environment of respect and dignity that is unique in much of the Muslim world.
Together we are breaking the cycle of generational poverty by providing scholarships to any student who has great potential for academic success yet who lacks the financial means to realize their dreams.
Also, we celebrate the many Forman graduates who have risen to leadership in every sector of society, including government, education, military, and business. Graduating from FCCU and becoming a “Formanite” makes it far easier to find employment, opening doors thanks to the incredible reputation of this University.
As you read this Annual Report, I want to ask you for two things. First, please continue to pray that God will bless this vital mission and all within the university walls. Second, please support Forman financially so that even more students will experience what I’ve described above.
Thank you once again for your generosity to Forman Christian College. May God bless you and bless this work in Pakistan.
Click here or on the photo to download your digital copy of the 2023 Annual Report.

With appreciation,

Rev. Dr. Roger A. Dermody
Executive Director
Friends of Forman
Christian College