COVID-19 Fundraiser is a Success!

THANKS TO YOU, our fundraiser for COVID-19 relief in the FCCU community was a huge success.


Through your thoughtfulness and generosity, $40,750.00 was raised, exceeding our goal of $15,000 by more than double!


These gifts are being used for instructional signage and posters, masks, hand sanitizer, plexiglass, and testing kits distributed by FCCU’s on-campus Mercy Health Center. Originally, the plan included buying and dispensing vaccines but the Pakistani government has now agreed to pay for all citizens who receive their vaccination. They are working their way through the population and currently, anyone aged forty and older will be vaccinated for free.


Thank you for making a difference at Forman Christian College. The pandemic is not unique to Pakistan, and we know that there are many important causes hoping for your donation. We are grateful you chose FCCU. You know that every gift you give through Friends of Forman changes lives, but in this instance, you might have saved a life, too. Thank you!

How can you help?

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